You don't need to use -O0 or -g switches. You need to do one of following:
put android:debuggable="true" to the <application> tag in AndroidManifest.xml file
use NDK_DEBUG=1 after ndk-build
put APP_OPTIM := debug in file
Doing anyone of these three things will automatically use -O0 and -g switches.
Can you try running gdb manually, without gdb script? It involves following steps:
pushing gdbserver file to /data/local folder on device
running your application & invoking in adb shell following command gdbserver :5055 --attach PID, where PID is your application process id.
running adb forward tcp:5055 tcp:5055 on host
running arm-linux-androideabi-gdb.exe from your app folder
entering following commands in gdb
set solib-search-path obj/local/armeabi
file obj/local/armeabi/
target remote :5055
And see if you can debug then.
If you want see symbols for other shared libraries your library is using like, then pull them from device (from /system/lib folder) to your obj/local/armeabi folder.
share|improve this answer
For an unrelated reason I had to recreate my project from scratch; after doing so and trying to set up everything by the book, including your suggestions Mārtiņš, NDK debugging worked. I'm not sure what the problem was unfortunately. Btw APP_OPTIM had to be set to debug (lowercase) rather than Debug. – Jonny Boy May 17 '12 at 6:49
[Re]built with the NDK_DEBUG=1 option when calling 'ndk-build'; not after. – soulseekah Nov 20 '12 at 18:14
where is the "ndk-build" ? – android developer Jan 22 at 12:29
ndk-build is command you invoke to build native code. ndk-build script is provided by Android NDK an is located in root of zip/tar.bz2 archive. – Mārtiņš Možeiko Jan 22 at 18:10
ok i've done all 3 steps (part of the ndk-build was done by looking at ) . however , when i start to debug , i get some errors , which start with "Unable to launch cygpath. Is Cygwin on the path?] Cannot run program "cygpath": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified" . how should i fix it ? does it mean i have to use cygwin ? – android developer Jan 22 at 21:05